nouăzeci şi nouă de feluri de a muri (2)

Nu au văzut tramvaiul venind.

20 de comentarii la „nouăzeci şi nouă de feluri de a muri (2)

    1. alex moldovan

      Tramway (engl.) = lightly laid railways, sometimes worked without locomotives. The term is in common use in the United Kingdom, New Zealand, and elsewhere. In New Zealand, they are commonly known as bush tramways. They generally do not carry passengers, although staff may make use of them, either officially or unofficially.
      Tramways can take many forms, sometimes just tracks laid on the ground to move materials around a factory, mine or quarry. At the other extreme they could be complex and lengthy systems, such as the Lee Moor Tramway in Devon. Many are narrow gauge.
      Motive power can be manual, animal (especially horses), stationary engine, or small locomotives.


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